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Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/02/2019) File Number: 0000027608 Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 25076ff35c78b44d015c78d6c5d10488 CDBS Application ID: 2006410
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 725 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1401' 427.2m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 67986 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.8° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: TUD-05-12/60H-1-B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 01/29/2020) File Number: 0000034757 Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 25076ff35f58800d015f69345ca62749 CDBS Application ID: 2008126
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1401' 427.2m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1002487 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.8° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TUD-05-12/60H-1-B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 01/13/2020) File Number: 0000076922 Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 25076f916bb4b69c016bbe68698f2f53 CDBS Application ID: 2022070
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1134' 345.8m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 195' 59.4m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1975' 602.2m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1005223 Pattern Rotation: 90° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-24WB C160 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 02/02/2020) File Number: 0000079778 Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 25076ff36c24ffca016c4db0ed102a37 CDBS Application ID: 2022360
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 47 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1119' 341.3m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 180' 54.9m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1960' 597.7m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1005325 Pattern Rotation: 90° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-8WB-R C160 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Licensed File Number: 0000082692 Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 25076f916c4dc925016c6767cd5d2b6b CDBS Application ID: 2032986
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1401' 427.2m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
38.11 kW TPO - 0.8 dB line loss + 14.99 dB antenna gain = 1000 kW ERP 15.81 dBk TPO - 0.8 dB line loss + 14.99 dB antenna gain = 30 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1005623 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.8° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TUD-05-12/60H-1-B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Licensed File Number: 0000185786 Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 25076ff37f49524f017f517cc8bb0d9e CDBS Application ID: 2047201
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1401' 427.2m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
38.11 kW TPO - 0.8 dB line loss + 14.99 dB antenna gain = 1000 kW ERP 15.81 dBk TPO - 0.8 dB line loss + 14.99 dB antenna gain = 30 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1009349 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.8° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TUD-05-12/60H-1-B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 26 542 - 548 MHz Application File Number: BPCDT-19991027ABZ Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 2f5b151800cf424e962dcf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 422167
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 38' 14" N (42.637222) Latitude 73° 59' 53" W (-73.998056) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 950 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1017' 310m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 269' 82m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1797' 548m
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 27894 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° Antenna Make: HAR Antenna Model: TWSC-20
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 26 542 - 548 MHz Application File Number: BPCDT-19991027ABZ Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: a605cf6dde5b482ab3b4cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 594024
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 746 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1397' 426m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 42497 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: TUD-O5-12/60H-1-B
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 26 542 - 548 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 06/01/2023) File Number: BPCDT-19991027ABZ Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: c0fc996c1dd349f89594cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1005069
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 38' 14" N (42.637222) Latitude 73° 59' 53" W (-73.998056) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 950 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1017' 310m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 269' 82m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1797' 548m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 67220 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° Antenna Make: HAR Antenna Model: TWSC-20 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 26 542 - 548 MHz Application File Number: BPCDT-19991027ABZ Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: d370c19104c1431da21acf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 978814
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 700 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1397' 426m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 65808 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: TUD-05-12/60H-1-B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 26 542 - 548 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 06/01/2023) File Number: BMPCDT-20041028AEB Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: fe655742438d401c8624cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1020679
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 700 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1397' 426m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 67986 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: TUD-05-12/60H-1-B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 26 542 - 548 MHz Licensed File Number: BLCDT-20060104ACC Facility ID Number: 74422 Application ID Number: 89802db66eb74b4f8fdecf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1104362
Location: Helderberg Mountains (NY) 42° 37' 31.3" N (42.625361) Latitude 74° 0' 36.7" W (-74.010194) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 700 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1397' 426m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 456' 139m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2236' 681.8m
35.78 kW TPO - 0.72 dB line loss + 13.65 dB antenna gain = 700 kW ERP 15.54 dBk TPO - 0.72 dB line loss + 13.65 dB antenna gain = 28.45 dBk ERP
Directional Antenna ID No.: 67986 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: TUD-05-12/60H-1-B Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.