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Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Application File Number: BPCDT-19991104AAU Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 3f8d1ce6e6f54e899996cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 420669
Location: Pennobscot Mountain (PA) 41° 10' 58" N (41.182778) Latitude 75° 52' 25" W (-75.873611) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 10 kW ERP TV Zone: 1 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1545' 471m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 630' 192m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2837' 865m
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 42068 Pattern Rotation: 0° Antenna Make: DIE Antenna Model: TFU30EST/VP-R06
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/01/2022) File Number: BPCDT-19991104AAU Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 6c3e029b388c4f6f85d7cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 498143
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 836' 255m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 604' 184m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2811' 857m
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 33040 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° Antenna Make: AND Antenna Model: ATW25H4-HSO-24S
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/01/2022) File Number: BMPCDT-20070125ABS Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 531d6ed81b6244c29fb9cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1167747
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 846' 258m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 620' 189m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2827' 862m
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 77880 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 9551316
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 24 530 - 536 MHz Licensed File Number: BLCDT-20070831AAJ Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 6cf4ea41ca7e4b3a81c4cf6212b6c0ea CDBS Application ID: 1201276
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 846' 258m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 620' 189m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2827' 862m
47.21 kW TPO - 0.645 dB line loss + 13.91 dB antenna gain = 1000 kW ERP 16.74 dBk TPO - 0.645 dB line loss + 13.91 dB antenna gain = 30 dBk ERP
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 77880 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: MCI Antenna Model: 9551316
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 30 566 - 572 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 07/03/2020) File Number: 0000028394 Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 25076ff35c78b44d015c790aab1d0a17 CDBS Application ID: 2006554
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 650 ? kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 846' 258m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 718' 219m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2926' 892m
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 77880 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-30GTH R04 V/P
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 30 566 - 572 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 06/30/2021) File Number: 0000029890 Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 25076f915e542abf015e7265dace28ce CDBS Application ID: 2007043
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 330 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 846' 258m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 715' 218m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2922' 891m
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 77880 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-33JTH/VP-R 06
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 30 566 - 572 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 12/30/2020) File Number: 0000116657 Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 25076f9172582c1701725c6dddf304e6 CDBS Application ID: 2036567
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 699' 213.09m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 485' 147.8m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2692' 820.8m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1006988 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-24WB-R C160 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 30 566 - 572 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 04/30/2021) File Number: 0000130069 Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 25076ff3767950e30176904e57e51166 CDBS Application ID: 2039352
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 846' 258m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 485' 147.8m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2692' 820.8m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1007716 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-24WB-R C160 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 30 566 - 572 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 06/30/2021) File Number: 0000144082 Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 25076f9178f169f2017914ac255f3455 CDBS Application ID: 2040795
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 846' 258m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 485' 147.8m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2692' 820.8m
Directional Antenna ID No.: 1008129 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-24WB-R C160 Relative Field values for directional antenna Relative Field polar plot Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
Licensee (Owner): Nexstar Media Inc. (Nexstar Broadcasting) Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station Channel: 30 566 - 572 MHz Licensed File Number: 0000145912 Facility ID Number: 59988 Application ID Number: 25076ff372e336d60172ec766a300680 CDBS Application ID: 2041346
32° 16' 38" N (32.277222) Latitude 99° 35' 52" W (-99.597778) Longitude (NAD83)
Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal Vertical Effective Radiated Power (ERP): 1000 330 kW ERP TV Zone: 2 Feet Meters Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 941' 287m Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 715' 218m Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2922' 891m
49.1 kW TPO - 0.82 dB line loss + 13.91 dB antenna gain = 1000 kW ERP 16.91 dBk TPO - 0.82 dB line loss + 13.91 dB antenna gain = 30 dBk ERP
Non-Directional Antenna ID No.: 77880 Pattern Rotation: 0° Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° Antenna Make: Dielectric Antenna Model: TFU-33JTH/VP-R 06