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WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 0   42 - 48 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 07/21/2021) 
File Number:     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f917668d49c017678682ddb1726
CDBS Application ID: 2039202

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):200 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 569'173.6m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 328'100m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 848'258.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1007725      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: Dielectric      Antenna Model: TFU-12DSB-R J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.371   
  10°  0.349   
  20°  0.435   
  30°  0.594   
  40°  0.761   
  50°  0.897   
  60°  0.980   
  70°  0.998   
  80°  0.953   
  90°  0.855   
100°  0.736   
110°  0.599   
120°  0.510   
130°  0.483   
140°  0.499   
150°  0.520   
160°  0.520   
170°  0.499   
180°  0.483   
190°  0.510   
200°  0.599   
210°  0.726   
220°  0.855   
230°  0.953   
240°  0.998   
250°  0.980   
260°  0.897   
270°  0.761   
280°  0.594   
290°  0.435   
300°  0.349   
310°  0.371   
320°  0.441   
330°  0.489   
340°  0.489   
350°  0.441   
Directional Pattern
  68°  1.000   

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,973,336
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/02/2019) 
File Number: 0000025204     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f915c132a1b015c3180c5244334
CDBS Application ID: 2005815

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):99.4 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1001375      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.6° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-15JTH-R P230      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.401   
  10°  0.393   
  20°  0.475   
  30°  0.622   
  40°  0.781   
  50°  0.912   
  60°  0.987   
  70°  0.994   
  80°  0.932   
  90°  0.811   
100°  0.654   
110°  0.501   
120°  0.402   
130°  0.394   
140°  0.440   
150°  0.481   
160°  0.485   
170°  0.450   
180°  0.401   
190°  0.393   
200°  0.475   
210°  0.622   
220°  0.781   
230°  0.912   
240°  0.987   
250°  0.994   
260°  0.932   
270°  0.811   
280°  0.654   
290°  0.501   
300°  0.402   
310°  0.394   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.481   
340°  0.485   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern
  66°  1.000   
246°  1.000   

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000025204
Area:  Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000034869     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff35f58800d015f78ce14db691b
CDBS Application ID: 2008024

41°3'10.2"N (41.052833)Latitude
73°33'47"W (-73.563056)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):1000?kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 403'122.8m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 453'138m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1002547      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: ERI      Antenna Model: ATW24H3-ETS-21H      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.541   
  10°  0.536   
  20°  0.546   
  30°  0.567   
  40°  0.589   
  50°  0.607   
  60°  0.618   
  70°  0.618   
  80°  0.607   
  90°  0.589   
100°  0.567   
110°  0.546   
120°  0.536   
130°  0.541   
140°  0.565   
150°  0.606   
160°  0.661   
170°  0.722   
180°  0.784   
190°  0.842   
200°  0.893   
210°  0.935   
220°  0.967   
230°  0.988   
240°  0.999   
250°  0.999   
260°  0.988   
270°  0.967   
280°  0.935   
290°  0.893   
300°  0.842   
310°  0.784   
320°  0.722   
330°  0.661   
340°  0.606   
350°  0.565   
Directional Pattern
245°  1.000   

Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000034869
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000034869     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f915fd11ef0015fdfdf192e5060
CDBS Application ID: 2008246

41°3'10.2"N (41.052833)Latitude
73°33'47"W (-73.563056)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):1000?kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 403'122.8m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 453'138m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1002547      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: ERI      Antenna Model: ATW24H3-ETS-21H      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.541   
  10°  0.536   
  20°  0.546   
  30°  0.567   
  40°  0.589   
  50°  0.607   
  60°  0.618   
  70°  0.618   
  80°  0.607   
  90°  0.589   
100°  0.567   
110°  0.546   
120°  0.536   
130°  0.541   
140°  0.565   
150°  0.606   
160°  0.661   
170°  0.722   
180°  0.784   
190°  0.842   
200°  0.893   
210°  0.935   
220°  0.967   
230°  0.988   
240°  0.999   
250°  0.999   
260°  0.988   
270°  0.967   
280°  0.935   
290°  0.893   
300°  0.842   
310°  0.784   
320°  0.722   
330°  0.661   
340°  0.606   
350°  0.565   
Directional Pattern
245°  1.000   

Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000034869
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 08/02/2019) 
File Number: 0000034869     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f915fd11ef001600481cbd353ec
CDBS Application ID: 2008376

41°3'10.2"N (41.052833)Latitude
73°33'47"W (-73.563056)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):1000?kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 234'71.41m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 321'97.8m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 371'113m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1002684      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: ERI      Antenna Model: ATW24H3-ETS-21H      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.541   
  10°  0.536   
  20°  0.546   
  30°  0.567   
  40°  0.589   
  50°  0.607   
  60°  0.618   
  70°  0.618   
  80°  0.607   
  90°  0.589   
100°  0.567   
110°  0.546   
120°  0.536   
130°  0.541   
140°  0.565   
150°  0.606   
160°  0.661   
170°  0.722   
180°  0.784   
190°  0.842   
200°  0.893   
210°  0.935   
220°  0.967   
230°  0.988   
240°  0.999   
250°  0.999   
260°  0.988   
270°  0.967   
280°  0.935   
290°  0.893   
300°  0.842   
310°  0.784   
320°  0.722   
330°  0.661   
340°  0.606   
350°  0.565   
Directional Pattern
245°  1.000   

ASRN:  1043497   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  16,820,192
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000034869
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 07/27/2020) 
File Number: 0000036047     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff3600de522016028d54eb926b4
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):120 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

Non-DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1002708      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: ERI      Antenna Model: ATW20H3-HSO-21H      

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  6,668,121
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000036047
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 07/27/2020) 
File Number: 0000036047     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff3600de522016028d54eb926b4
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54"N (40.748333)Latitude
73°59'9"W (-73.985833)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):174 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 986'300.5m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 977'298m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1028'313.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1002707      Pattern Rotation: 47°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: ERI      Antenna Model: ATW18H3-HSC1-29S      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.992   
  10°  0.987   
  20°  0.966   
  30°  0.938   
  40°  0.935   
  50°  0.963   
  60°  0.989   
  70°  0.994   
  80°  0.987   
  90°  0.974   
100°  0.921   
110°  0.811   
120°  0.695   
130°  0.604   
140°  0.504   
150°  0.363   
160°  0.235   
170°  0.190   
180°  0.195   
190°  0.193   
200°  0.228   
210°  0.348   
220°  0.495   
230°  0.602   
240°  0.691   
250°  0.803   
260°  0.917   
270°  0.979   
280°  0.993   
290°  0.999   
300°  0.996   
310°  0.972   
320°  0.941   
330°  0.937   
340°  0.963   
350°  0.985   
Directional Pattern
294°  1.000   

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  18,575,341
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000036047
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 01/23/2020) 
File Number: 0000077937     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f916bb4b69c016bb95d589c213f
CDBS Application ID: 2022104

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):200 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 569'173.6m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 328'100m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 848'258.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1005239      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: Dielectric      Antenna Model: TFU-12DSB-R J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.371   
  10°  0.349   
  20°  0.435   
  30°  0.594   
  40°  0.761   
  50°  0.897   
  60°  0.980   
  70°  0.998   
  80°  0.953   
  90°  0.855   
100°  0.736   
110°  0.599   
120°  0.510   
130°  0.483   
140°  0.499   
150°  0.520   
160°  0.520   
170°  0.499   
180°  0.483   
190°  0.510   
200°  0.599   
210°  0.726   
220°  0.855   
230°  0.953   
240°  0.998   
250°  0.980   
260°  0.897   
270°  0.761   
280°  0.594   
290°  0.435   
300°  0.349   
310°  0.371   
320°  0.441   
330°  0.489   
340°  0.489   
350°  0.441   
Directional Pattern
  68°  1.000   

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,973,336
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000077937
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 07/22/2020) 
File Number: 0000095256     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f916f59307e016f5db0a46326e7
CDBS Application ID: 2034598

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):200 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 569'173.6m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 328'100m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 848'258.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1006187      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: Dielectric      Antenna Model: TFU-12DSB-R J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.371   
  10°  0.349   
  20°  0.435   
  30°  0.594   
  40°  0.761   
  50°  0.897   
  60°  0.980   
  70°  0.998   
  80°  0.953   
  90°  0.855   
100°  0.736   
110°  0.599   
120°  0.510   
130°  0.483   
140°  0.499   
150°  0.520   
160°  0.520   
170°  0.499   
180°  0.483   
190°  0.510   
200°  0.599   
210°  0.726   
220°  0.855   
230°  0.953   
240°  0.998   
250°  0.980   
260°  0.897   
270°  0.761   
280°  0.594   
290°  0.435   
300°  0.349   
310°  0.371   
320°  0.441   
330°  0.489   
340°  0.489   
350°  0.441   
Directional Pattern
  68°  1.000   

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,973,336
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000095256
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 01/23/2021) 
File Number: 0000117670     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91732a461401733532893348e1
CDBS Application ID: 2037665

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):200 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 569'173.6m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 328'100m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 848'258.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1007069      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: Dielectric      Antenna Model: TFU-12DSB-R J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.371   
  10°  0.349   
  20°  0.435   
  30°  0.594   
  40°  0.761   
  50°  0.897   
  60°  0.980   
  70°  0.998   
  80°  0.953   
  90°  0.855   
100°  0.736   
110°  0.599   
120°  0.510   
130°  0.483   
140°  0.499   
150°  0.520   
160°  0.520   
170°  0.499   
180°  0.483   
190°  0.510   
200°  0.599   
210°  0.726   
220°  0.855   
230°  0.953   
240°  0.998   
250°  0.980   
260°  0.897   
270°  0.761   
280°  0.594   
290°  0.435   
300°  0.349   
310°  0.371   
320°  0.441   
330°  0.489   
340°  0.489   
350°  0.441   
Directional Pattern
  68°  1.000   

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000117670
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000122655     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91741432fb01744aeb523d30c9
CDBS Application ID: 2037826
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):120?kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

Non-DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1007387      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.2° 
Antenna Make: RFS      Antenna Model: SAA18-O4A-J480-ET5R-21      

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  6,668,121
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000122655
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000122655     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91741432fb01744aeb523d30c9
CDBS Application ID: 2037826
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54.44"N (40.748456)Latitude
73°59'7.16"W (-73.985322)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):174163.56kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1025'312.4m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1016'309.9m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1067'325.4m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1007386      Pattern Rotation: 60°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: RFS      Antenna Model: NGP-18C-3C4-07      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.997   
  10°  0.913   
  20°  0.796   
  30°  0.886   
  40°  0.979   
  50°  0.903   
  60°  0.755   
  70°  0.812   
  80°  0.956   
  90°  0.991   
100°  0.897   
110°  0.723   
120°  0.538   
130°  0.374   
140°  0.240   
150°  0.001   
160°  0.001   
170°  0.001   
180°  0.001   
190°  0.001   
200°  0.001   
210°  0.001   
220°  0.001   
230°  0.001   
240°  0.535   
250°  0.720   
260°  0.894   
270°  0.989   
280°  0.957   
290°  0.815   
300°  0.757   
310°  0.903   
320°  0.979   
330°  0.885   
340°  0.793   
350°  0.910   
Directional Pattern
    1°  1.000   
  87°  1.000   
149°  0.164   
238°  0.001   
273°  0.999   

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  15,598,431
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000122655
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000122655     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91741432fb01744aeb523d30c9
CDBS Application ID: 2037826
Site Number: 3

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54.31"N (40.748419)Latitude
73°59'9.62"W (-73.986006)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):174163.56kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1025'312.4m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1016'309.9m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1067'325.4m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1007385      Pattern Rotation: 237°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 2.2° Mech. Beam Tilt: 1.7° toward 202°
Antenna Make: RFS      Antenna Model: NGP-12B-BP04      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.469   
  10°  0.444   
  20°  0.461   
  30°  0.623   
  40°  0.824   
  50°  0.961   
  60°  0.974   
  70°  0.878   
  80°  0.719   
  90°  0.549   
100°  0.397   
110°  0.266   
120°  0.163   
130°  0.088   
140°  0.068   
150°  0.072   
160°  0.001   
170°  0.001   
180°  0.001   
190°  0.001   
200°  0.001   
210°  0.001   
220°  0.001   
230°  0.001   
240°  0.001   
250°  0.236   
260°  0.368   
270°  0.526   
280°  0.715   
290°  0.889   
300°  0.992   
310°  0.975   
320°  0.828   
330°  0.624   
340°  0.470   
350°  0.449   
Directional Pattern
  14°  0.436   
  54°  0.986   
242°  0.152   
302°  1.000   
346°  0.442   

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  15,483,662
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000122655
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 01/20/2022) 
File Number: 0000151783     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff37a62bcc4017a68d168f41566
CDBS Application ID: 2042565

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):200 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 569'173.6m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 328'100m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 848'258.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1008380      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: Dielectric      Antenna Model: TFU-12DSB-R J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.371   
  10°  0.349   
  20°  0.435   
  30°  0.594   
  40°  0.761   
  50°  0.897   
  60°  0.980   
  70°  0.998   
  80°  0.953   
  90°  0.855   
100°  0.736   
110°  0.599   
120°  0.510   
130°  0.483   
140°  0.499   
150°  0.520   
160°  0.520   
170°  0.499   
180°  0.483   
190°  0.510   
200°  0.599   
210°  0.726   
220°  0.855   
230°  0.953   
240°  0.998   
250°  0.980   
260°  0.897   
270°  0.761   
280°  0.594   
290°  0.435   
300°  0.349   
310°  0.371   
320°  0.441   
330°  0.489   
340°  0.489   
350°  0.441   
Directional Pattern
  68°  1.000   

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,973,336
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000151783
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000177225     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f917d525790017d96e30a1a772c
CDBS Application ID: 2045514
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):20060kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009020      Pattern Rotation: 48°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: ATC      Antenna Model: ATC-BCE618C3RS-V1-21      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.910   
  10°  0.900   
  20°  0.915   
  30°  0.950   
  40°  0.985   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.970   
  70°  0.922   
  80°  0.870   
  90°  0.795   
100°  0.655   
110°  0.450   
120°  0.110   
130°  0.025   
140°  0.018   
150°  0.010   
160°  0.008   
170°  0.005   
180°  0.010   
190°  0.005   
200°  0.008   
210°  0.010   
220°  0.018   
230°  0.025   
240°  0.110   
250°  0.450   
260°  0.655   
270°  0.795   
280°  0.870   
290°  0.922   
300°  0.970   
310°  1.000   
320°  0.985   
330°  0.950   
340°  0.915   
350°  0.900   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  3,402,606
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000177225
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000177225     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f917d525790017d96e30a1a772c
CDBS Application ID: 2045514
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54"N (40.748333)Latitude
73°59'9"W (-73.985833)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):17570kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1440'439m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1432'436.5m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1483'452m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009019      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 2.8° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-12EST/VP-R 3S180      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.953   
  10°  0.986   
  20°  1.000   
  30°  0.998   
  40°  0.990   
  50°  0.987   
  60°  0.993   
  70°  1.000   
  80°  0.997   
  90°  0.975   
100°  0.937   
110°  0.894   
120°  0.848   
130°  0.784   
140°  0.693   
150°  0.591   
160°  0.527   
170°  0.526   
180°  0.545   
190°  0.532   
200°  0.479   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.405   
230°  0.403   
240°  0.410   
250°  0.445   
260°  0.504   
270°  0.543   
280°  0.539   
290°  0.520   
300°  0.545   
310°  0.630   
320°  0.732   
330°  0.813   
340°  0.867   
350°  0.911   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  20,042,367
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000177225
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 07/19/2022) 
File Number: 0000180285     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f917e3a992f017e6eca191b144c
CDBS Application ID: 2046058

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):200 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 569'173.6m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 328'100m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 848'258.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009209      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: Dielectric      Antenna Model: TFU-12DSB-R J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.371   
  10°  0.349   
  20°  0.435   
  30°  0.594   
  40°  0.761   
  50°  0.897   
  60°  0.980   
  70°  0.998   
  80°  0.953   
  90°  0.855   
100°  0.736   
110°  0.599   
120°  0.510   
130°  0.483   
140°  0.499   
150°  0.520   
160°  0.520   
170°  0.499   
180°  0.483   
190°  0.510   
200°  0.599   
210°  0.726   
220°  0.855   
230°  0.953   
240°  0.998   
250°  0.980   
260°  0.897   
270°  0.761   
280°  0.594   
290°  0.435   
300°  0.349   
310°  0.371   
320°  0.441   
330°  0.489   
340°  0.489   
350°  0.441   
Directional Pattern
  68°  1.000   

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,973,336
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000180285
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000193340     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff381403c6f01814e01407810ab
CDBS Application ID: 2045287
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):20060kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009020      Pattern Rotation: 48°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: ATC      Antenna Model: ATC-BCE618C3RS-V1-21      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.910   
  10°  0.900   
  20°  0.915   
  30°  0.950   
  40°  0.985   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.970   
  70°  0.922   
  80°  0.870   
  90°  0.795   
100°  0.655   
110°  0.450   
120°  0.110   
130°  0.025   
140°  0.018   
150°  0.010   
160°  0.008   
170°  0.005   
180°  0.010   
190°  0.005   
200°  0.008   
210°  0.010   
220°  0.018   
230°  0.025   
240°  0.110   
250°  0.450   
260°  0.655   
270°  0.795   
280°  0.870   
290°  0.922   
300°  0.970   
310°  1.000   
320°  0.985   
330°  0.950   
340°  0.915   
350°  0.900   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  3,402,606
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000193340
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000193340     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff381403c6f01814e01407810ab
CDBS Application ID: 2045287
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54"N (40.748333)Latitude
73°59'9"W (-73.985833)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):17570kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1404'428m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1396'425.5m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1446'441m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009667      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 2.8° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-12EST/VP-R 3S180      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.953   
  10°  0.986   
  20°  1.000   
  30°  0.998   
  40°  0.990   
  50°  0.987   
  60°  0.993   
  70°  1.000   
  80°  0.997   
  90°  0.975   
100°  0.937   
110°  0.894   
120°  0.848   
130°  0.784   
140°  0.693   
150°  0.591   
160°  0.527   
170°  0.526   
180°  0.545   
190°  0.532   
200°  0.479   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.405   
230°  0.403   
240°  0.410   
250°  0.445   
260°  0.504   
270°  0.543   
280°  0.539   
290°  0.520   
300°  0.545   
310°  0.630   
320°  0.732   
330°  0.813   
340°  0.867   
350°  0.911   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  19,928,252
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000193340
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 01/19/2023) 
File Number: 0000195206     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f9181f47ea90182042a5e63187a
CDBS Application ID: 2049489

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):120 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

Non-DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1007387      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.2° 
Antenna Make: RFS      Antenna Model: SAA18-O4A-J480-ET5R-21      

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  6,668,121
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000195206
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000193340     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff38284a943018288ded5ce0a7a
CDBS Application ID: 2049534
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):20060kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009020      Pattern Rotation: 48°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: ATC      Antenna Model: ATC-BCE618C3RS-V1-21      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.910   
  10°  0.900   
  20°  0.915   
  30°  0.950   
  40°  0.985   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.970   
  70°  0.922   
  80°  0.870   
  90°  0.795   
100°  0.655   
110°  0.450   
120°  0.110   
130°  0.025   
140°  0.018   
150°  0.010   
160°  0.008   
170°  0.005   
180°  0.010   
190°  0.005   
200°  0.008   
210°  0.010   
220°  0.018   
230°  0.025   
240°  0.110   
250°  0.450   
260°  0.655   
270°  0.795   
280°  0.870   
290°  0.922   
300°  0.970   
310°  1.000   
320°  0.985   
330°  0.950   
340°  0.915   
350°  0.900   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  3,402,606
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000193340
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000193340     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff38284a943018288ded5ce0a7a
CDBS Application ID: 2049534
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54"N (40.748333)Latitude
73°59'9"W (-73.985833)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):21084kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1404'428m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1396'425.5m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1446'441m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009945      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 2.8° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-12EST/VP-R 3S180      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.953   
  10°  0.986   
  20°  1.000   
  30°  0.998   
  40°  0.990   
  50°  0.987   
  60°  0.993   
  70°  1.000   
  80°  0.997   
  90°  0.975   
100°  0.937   
110°  0.894   
120°  0.848   
130°  0.784   
140°  0.693   
150°  0.591   
160°  0.527   
170°  0.526   
180°  0.545   
190°  0.532   
200°  0.479   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.405   
230°  0.403   
240°  0.410   
250°  0.445   
260°  0.504   
270°  0.543   
280°  0.539   
290°  0.520   
300°  0.545   
310°  0.630   
320°  0.732   
330°  0.813   
340°  0.867   
350°  0.911   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  20,080,106
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000193340
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000193340     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91832753d701833ccc3ae50e4f
CDBS Application ID: 2049702
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):20060kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009020      Pattern Rotation: 48°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: ATC      Antenna Model: ATC-BCE618C3RS-V1-21      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.910   
  10°  0.900   
  20°  0.915   
  30°  0.950   
  40°  0.985   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.970   
  70°  0.922   
  80°  0.870   
  90°  0.795   
100°  0.655   
110°  0.450   
120°  0.110   
130°  0.025   
140°  0.018   
150°  0.010   
160°  0.008   
170°  0.005   
180°  0.010   
190°  0.005   
200°  0.008   
210°  0.010   
220°  0.018   
230°  0.025   
240°  0.110   
250°  0.450   
260°  0.655   
270°  0.795   
280°  0.870   
290°  0.922   
300°  0.970   
310°  1.000   
320°  0.985   
330°  0.950   
340°  0.915   
350°  0.900   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  3,402,606
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000193340
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000193340     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91832753d701833ccc3ae50e4f
CDBS Application ID: 2049702
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54"N (40.748333)Latitude
73°59'9"W (-73.985833)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):21084kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1404'428m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1396'425.5m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1446'441m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009945      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 2.8° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-12EST/VP-R 3S180      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.953   
  10°  0.986   
  20°  1.000   
  30°  0.998   
  40°  0.990   
  50°  0.987   
  60°  0.993   
  70°  1.000   
  80°  0.997   
  90°  0.975   
100°  0.937   
110°  0.894   
120°  0.848   
130°  0.784   
140°  0.693   
150°  0.591   
160°  0.527   
170°  0.526   
180°  0.545   
190°  0.532   
200°  0.479   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.405   
230°  0.403   
240°  0.410   
250°  0.445   
260°  0.504   
270°  0.543   
280°  0.539   
290°  0.520   
300°  0.545   
310°  0.630   
320°  0.732   
330°  0.813   
340°  0.867   
350°  0.911   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  20,080,106
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000193340
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Special Temporary Authority (Expires 05/12/2023) 
File Number: 0000206819     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f9185a121610185a28e8b3e08d6
CDBS Application ID: 2050809

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):200?kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009020      Pattern Rotation: 48°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: ATC      Antenna Model: ATC-BCE618C3RS-V1-21      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.910   
  10°  0.900   
  20°  0.915   
  30°  0.950   
  40°  0.985   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.970   
  70°  0.922   
  80°  0.870   
  90°  0.795   
100°  0.655   
110°  0.450   
120°  0.110   
130°  0.025   
140°  0.018   
150°  0.010   
160°  0.008   
170°  0.005   
180°  0.010   
190°  0.005   
200°  0.008   
210°  0.010   
220°  0.018   
230°  0.025   
240°  0.110   
250°  0.450   
260°  0.655   
270°  0.795   
280°  0.870   
290°  0.922   
300°  0.970   
310°  1.000   
320°  0.985   
330°  0.950   
340°  0.915   
350°  0.900   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  3,402,606
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000206819
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Pending License Application 
File Number: 0000210960     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91863891c301864b7ab07604a6
CDBS Application ID: 2051214
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):20060kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

8.71 kW TPO - 0.92 dB line loss + 14.53 dB antenna gain = 200 kW ERP
9.4 dBk TPO - 0.92 dB line loss + 14.53 dB antenna gain = 23.01 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1010468      Pattern Rotation: 48°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: ATC      Antenna Model: ATC-BCE618C3RS-V1-21      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.910   
  10°  0.900   
  20°  0.915   
  30°  0.950   
  40°  0.985   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.970   
  70°  0.922   
  80°  0.870   
  90°  0.795   
100°  0.655   
110°  0.450   
120°  0.110   
130°  0.025   
140°  0.018   
150°  0.010   
160°  0.008   
170°  0.005   
180°  0.010   
190°  0.005   
200°  0.008   
210°  0.010   
220°  0.018   
230°  0.025   
240°  0.110   
250°  0.450   
260°  0.655   
270°  0.795   
280°  0.870   
290°  0.922   
300°  0.970   
310°  1.000   
320°  0.985   
330°  0.950   
340°  0.915   
350°  0.900   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  3,402,606
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000210960
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Pending License Application 
File Number: 0000210960     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91863891c301864b7ab07604a6
CDBS Application ID: 2051214
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54"N (40.748333)Latitude
73°59'9"W (-73.985833)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):21084kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1404'428m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1396'425.5m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1446'441m

18.62 kW TPO - 0.9 dB line loss + 11.42 dB antenna gain = 210 kW ERP
12.7 dBk TPO - 0.9 dB line loss + 11.42 dB antenna gain = 23.22 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1009945      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 2.8° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-12EST/VP-R 3S180      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.953   
  10°  0.986   
  20°  1.000   
  30°  0.998   
  40°  0.990   
  50°  0.987   
  60°  0.993   
  70°  1.000   
  80°  0.997   
  90°  0.975   
100°  0.937   
110°  0.894   
120°  0.848   
130°  0.784   
140°  0.693   
150°  0.591   
160°  0.527   
170°  0.526   
180°  0.545   
190°  0.532   
200°  0.479   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.405   
230°  0.403   
240°  0.410   
250°  0.445   
260°  0.504   
270°  0.543   
280°  0.539   
290°  0.520   
300°  0.545   
310°  0.630   
320°  0.732   
330°  0.813   
340°  0.867   
350°  0.911   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  20,080,106
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000210960
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Licensed 
File Number: 0000212720     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff386be5b120186e74d7f7a2bda
CDBS Application ID: 2051446
Site Number: 1

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):20060kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 718'219m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

8.71 kW TPO - 0.92 dB line loss + 14.53 dB antenna gain = 200 kW ERP
9.4 dBk TPO - 0.92 dB line loss + 14.53 dB antenna gain = 23.01 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1010561      Pattern Rotation: 48°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1.5° 
Antenna Make: ATC      Antenna Model: ATC-BCE618C3RS-V1-21      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.910   
  10°  0.900   
  20°  0.915   
  30°  0.950   
  40°  0.985   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.970   
  70°  0.922   
  80°  0.870   
  90°  0.795   
100°  0.655   
110°  0.450   
120°  0.110   
130°  0.025   
140°  0.018   
150°  0.010   
160°  0.008   
170°  0.005   
180°  0.010   
190°  0.005   
200°  0.008   
210°  0.010   
220°  0.018   
230°  0.025   
240°  0.110   
250°  0.450   
260°  0.655   
270°  0.795   
280°  0.870   
290°  0.922   
300°  0.970   
310°  1.000   
320°  0.985   
330°  0.950   
340°  0.915   
350°  0.900   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  3,402,606
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000212720
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTS Distributed Transmission System
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Licensed 
File Number: 0000212720     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076ff386be5b120186e74d7f7a2bda
CDBS Application ID: 2051446
Site Number: 2

Location: Empire State Building (NY)
40°44'54"N (40.748333)Latitude
73°59'9"W (-73.985833)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):21084kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1404'428m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1396'425.5m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1446'441m

18.62 kW TPO - 0.9 dB line loss + 11.42 dB antenna gain = 210 kW ERP
12.7 dBk TPO - 0.9 dB line loss + 11.42 dB antenna gain = 23.22 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1010562      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 2.8° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-12EST/VP-R 3S180      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.953   
  10°  0.986   
  20°  1.000   
  30°  0.998   
  40°  0.990   
  50°  0.987   
  60°  0.993   
  70°  1.000   
  80°  0.997   
  90°  0.975   
100°  0.937   
110°  0.894   
120°  0.848   
130°  0.784   
140°  0.693   
150°  0.591   
160°  0.527   
170°  0.526   
180°  0.545   
190°  0.532   
200°  0.479   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.405   
230°  0.403   
240°  0.410   
250°  0.445   
260°  0.504   
270°  0.543   
280°  0.539   
290°  0.520   
300°  0.545   
310°  0.630   
320°  0.732   
330°  0.813   
340°  0.867   
350°  0.911   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1007048   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  20,080,106
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000212720
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 04/01/2023) 
File Number: BPEDT-20080207AAV     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 7cd333aba7b34d1ab842cf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1232597

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):41 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 728'222m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1004'306m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 84606      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BPEDT-20080207AAV
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 04/01/2023) 
File Number: BMPEDT-20090203ABD     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: b722ef1bdef541a88c0fcf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1292223

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):91 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 728'222m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1004'306m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 91372      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BMPEDT-20090203ABD
Area:  Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Pending License Application 
File Number: BLEDT-20090220ACO     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 67ab5510d50e422ebad6cf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1296931

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):41 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 728'222m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1004'306m

1.18 kW TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 41 kW ERP
0.72 dBk TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 16.13 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 84606      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BLEDT-20090220ACO
Area:  Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Pending License Application 
File Number: BLEDT-20090618ABY     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: b9de9b2d45954103bdffcf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1318298

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):91 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 728'222m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1004'306m

2.64 kW TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 91 kW ERP
4.22 dBk TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 19.59 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 91372      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BLEDT-20090618ABY
Area:  Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 04/01/2023) 
File Number: BPEDT-20100218AAI     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 7af553043695446daa8ecf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1356896

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):170 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 997'304m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 98009      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BPEDT-20100218AAI
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Licensed 
File Number: BLEDT-20100513ABG     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 2de96165c3d0469e9ed1cf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 1368813

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):170 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 997'304m

4.9 kW TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 170 kW ERP
6.9 dBk TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 22.3 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 98009      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BLEDT-20100513ABG
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Licensed 
File Number: 0000029810     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f915e542abf015e587cd6940735
CDBS Application ID: 2006997

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):170 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

4.91 kW TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 170 kW ERP
6.91 dBk TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 22.3 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 98009      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,781,557
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000029810
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 04/01/2023) 
File Number: 0000063060     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f91667cad180166a6b76476238e

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):170 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 98009      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,781,557
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000063060
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 49   680 - 686 MHz Licensed 
File Number: 0000074518     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 25076f916aeaa74e016b042a7a03201c
CDBS Application ID: 2021673

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):170 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 722'220m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 476'145m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 995'303.5m

4.91 kW TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 170 kW ERP
6.91 dBk TPO - 0.85 dB line loss + 16.24 dB antenna gain = 22.3 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 98009      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: RCA      Antenna Model: TFU-20JDAS/P      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.410   
  10°  0.400   
  20°  0.480   
  30°  0.610   
  40°  0.770   
  50°  0.910   
  60°  0.990   
  70°  0.990   
  80°  0.930   
  90°  0.810   
100°  0.640   
110°  0.500   
120°  0.410   
130°  0.410   
140°  0.450   
150°  0.480   
160°  0.480   
170°  0.460   
180°  0.410   
190°  0.400   
200°  0.450   
210°  0.610   
220°  0.770   
230°  0.900   
240°  0.990   
250°  1.000   
260°  0.930   
270°  0.800   
280°  0.630   
290°  0.500   
300°  0.410   
310°  0.400   
320°  0.440   
330°  0.480   
340°  0.490   
350°  0.450   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  5,781,557
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for 0000074518
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 52   698 - 704 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 04/01/2023) 
File Number: BPEDT-20000419AAT     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: 0648ee9597d74841bc8ccf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 496299

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):50 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 620'189m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 367'112m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 896'273.2m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 32601      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-8DSB-J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.601   
  10°  0.666   
  20°  0.764   
  30°  0.878   
  40°  0.964   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.975   
  70°  0.918   
  80°  0.842   
  90°  0.731   
100°  0.594   
110°  0.444   
120°  0.309   
130°  0.250   
140°  0.284   
150°  0.361   
160°  0.402   
170°  0.374   
180°  0.299   
190°  0.253   
200°  0.296   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.579   
230°  0.728   
240°  0.844   
250°  0.917   
260°  0.975   
270°  1.000   
280°  0.969   
290°  0.890   
300°  0.775   
310°  0.675   
320°  0.608   
330°  0.569   
340°  0.591   
350°  0.568   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BPEDT-20000419AAT
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

WEDW - STAMFORD, CT, US - Main Listing
Licensee (Owner): CONNECTICUT PUBLIC BROADCASTING, INC. (Connecticut Public Broadcasting)
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 52   698 - 704 MHz Licensed 
File Number: BLEDT-20030425AAK     Facility ID Number: 13594
Application ID Number: fb31c53f5bb64117b171cf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 658713

Location: Trumbull (CT)
41°16'44.3"N (41.278972)Latitude
73°11'6.4"W (-73.185111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):50 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 620'189m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 367'112m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 896'273.2m

4.2 kW TPO - 1.27 dB line loss + 12.04 dB antenna gain = 50 kW ERP
6.23 dBk TPO - 1.27 dB line loss + 12.04 dB antenna gain = 16.99 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 32601      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.5° 
Antenna Make: DIE      Antenna Model: TFU-8DSB-J      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.601   
  10°  0.666   
  20°  0.764   
  30°  0.878   
  40°  0.964   
  50°  1.000   
  60°  0.975   
  70°  0.918   
  80°  0.842   
  90°  0.731   
100°  0.594   
110°  0.444   
120°  0.309   
130°  0.250   
140°  0.284   
150°  0.361   
160°  0.402   
170°  0.374   
180°  0.299   
190°  0.253   
200°  0.296   
210°  0.427   
220°  0.579   
230°  0.728   
240°  0.844   
250°  0.917   
260°  0.975   
270°  1.000   
280°  0.969   
290°  0.890   
300°  0.775   
310°  0.675   
320°  0.608   
330°  0.569   
340°  0.591   
350°  0.568   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1205267   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for WEDW Correspondence for BLEDT-20030425AAK
Area:  Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

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