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DDWYCC - CHICAGO, IL, US - License Cancelled
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 12/01/2021) 
File Number: BPEDT-20000428ACO     Facility ID Number: 12279
Application ID Number: 416817b32ccb4803a1a5cf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 500683

Location: John Hancock Tower (IL)
41°53'56.1"N (41.898917)Latitude
87°37'23.2"W (-87.623111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):98.9 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1240'378m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1237'377m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1829'557.7m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 33366      Pattern Rotation: 225°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: AND      Antenna Model: ATW25H5-HSC2L-20H      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.869   
  10°  0.874   
  20°  0.895   
  30°  0.935   
  40°  0.974   
  50°  0.998   
  60°  0.999   
  70°  0.979   
  80°  0.929   
  90°  0.856   
100°  0.763   
110°  0.651   
120°  0.516   
130°  0.377   
140°  0.249   
150°  0.197   
160°  0.246   
170°  0.310   
180°  0.336   
190°  0.310   
200°  0.246   
210°  0.197   
220°  0.249   
230°  0.377   
240°  0.516   
250°  0.651   
260°  0.763   
270°  0.856   
280°  0.929   
290°  0.979   
300°  0.999   
310°  0.998   
320°  0.974   
330°  0.935   
340°  0.895   
350°  0.874   
Directional Pattern
  56°  1.000   
304°  1.000   

ASRN:  1009012   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for DDWYCC Correspondence for BPEDT-20000428ACO
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

DDWYCC - CHICAGO, IL, US - License Cancelled
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 21   512 - 518 MHz Licensed 
File Number: BLEDT-20030501ABC     Facility ID Number: 12279
Application ID Number: 1b8687a574d548918684cf6212b6c0ea
CDBS Application ID: 658142

Location: John Hancock Tower (IL)
41°53'56.1"N (41.898917)Latitude
87°37'23.2"W (-87.623111)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):98.9 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1240'378m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1237'377m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 1829'557.7m

3273 kW TPO - -0.242 dB line loss + 15.04 dB antenna gain = 98.9 kW ERP
35.15 dBk TPO - -0.242 dB line loss + 15.04 dB antenna gain = 19.95 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 33366      Pattern Rotation: 225°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 0.75° 
Antenna Make: AND      Antenna Model: ATW25H5-HSC2L-20H      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.869   
  10°  0.874   
  20°  0.895   
  30°  0.935   
  40°  0.974   
  50°  0.998   
  60°  0.999   
  70°  0.979   
  80°  0.929   
  90°  0.856   
100°  0.763   
110°  0.651   
120°  0.516   
130°  0.377   
140°  0.249   
150°  0.197   
160°  0.246   
170°  0.310   
180°  0.336   
190°  0.310   
200°  0.246   
210°  0.197   
220°  0.249   
230°  0.377   
240°  0.516   
250°  0.651   
260°  0.763   
270°  0.856   
280°  0.929   
290°  0.979   
300°  0.999   
310°  0.998   
320°  0.974   
330°  0.935   
340°  0.895   
350°  0.874   
Directional Pattern
  56°  1.000   
304°  1.000   

ASRN:  1009012   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  9,410,182
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for DDWYCC Correspondence for BLEDT-20030501ABC
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

DDWYCC - CHICAGO, IL, US - License Cancelled
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 25   536 - 542 MHz Licensed 
File Number: 0000164525     Facility ID Number: 12279
Application ID Number: 25076f917ca4fcae017ca85c0f7b0135
CDBS Application ID: 2044550

Location: Willis Tower (IL)
41°52'44.1"N (41.878917)Latitude
87°38'10.2"W (-87.636167)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):250?kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1627'496m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1621'494.2m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2216'675.6m

11.14 kW TPO - 0.82 dB line loss + 14.33 dB antenna gain = 250 kW ERP
10.47 dBk TPO - 0.82 dB line loss + 14.33 dB antenna gain = 23.98 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1002552      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: RFS      Antenna Model: PEPL24C      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.516   
  10°  0.353   
  20°  0.239   
  30°  0.150   
  40°  0.063   
  50°  0.067   
  60°  0.056   
  70°  0.084   
  80°  0.152   
  90°  0.243   
100°  0.395   
110°  0.575   
120°  0.752   
130°  0.912   
140°  0.995   
150°  0.941   
160°  0.797   
170°  0.696   
180°  0.727   
190°  0.710   
200°  0.661   
210°  0.643   
220°  0.833   
230°  0.986   
240°  0.955   
250°  0.800   
260°  0.684   
270°  0.727   
280°  0.756   
290°  0.679   
300°  0.650   
310°  0.816   
320°  0.960   
330°  0.974   
340°  0.872   
350°  0.707   
Directional Pattern
233°  1.000   
234°  1.000   

ASRN:  1032959   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  9,649,798
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for DDWYCC Correspondence for 0000164525
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

DDWYCC - CHICAGO, IL, US - License Cancelled
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 25   536 - 542 MHz Pending License Application 
File Number: 0000190365     Facility ID Number: 12279
Application ID Number: 25076ff37f8fa68f017fb2ee03ad295e
CDBS Application ID: 2048306

Location: Willis Tower (IL)
41°52'44.1"N (41.878917)Latitude
87°38'10.2"W (-87.636167)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Elliptical (E) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):250?kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1627'496m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1621'494.2m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2216'675.6m

11.14 kW TPO - 0.82 dB line loss + 14.33 dB antenna gain = 250 kW ERP
10.47 dBk TPO - 0.82 dB line loss + 14.33 dB antenna gain = 23.98 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 1002552      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: RFS      Antenna Model: PEPL24C      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.516   
  10°  0.353   
  20°  0.239   
  30°  0.150   
  40°  0.063   
  50°  0.067   
  60°  0.056   
  70°  0.084   
  80°  0.152   
  90°  0.243   
100°  0.395   
110°  0.575   
120°  0.752   
130°  0.912   
140°  0.995   
150°  0.941   
160°  0.797   
170°  0.696   
180°  0.727   
190°  0.710   
200°  0.661   
210°  0.643   
220°  0.833   
230°  0.986   
240°  0.955   
250°  0.800   
260°  0.684   
270°  0.727   
280°  0.756   
290°  0.679   
300°  0.650   
310°  0.816   
320°  0.960   
330°  0.974   
340°  0.872   
350°  0.707   
Directional Pattern
233°  1.000   
234°  1.000   

ASRN:  1032959   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  9,782,477
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
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Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for DDWYCC Correspondence for 0000190365
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

DDWYCC - CHICAGO, IL, US - License Cancelled
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 47   668 - 674 MHz Application 
File Number: 0000036582     Facility ID Number: 12279
Application ID Number: 25076f91604cf19d0160561ba3eb1243
CDBS Application ID: 2008585

Location: Willis Tower (IL)
41°52'44.1"N (41.878917)Latitude
87°38'10.2"W (-87.636167)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):300 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1525'465m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1525'465m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2120'646.4m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 33534      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: AND      Antenna Model: ATW13H4-HSC1-47S      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.850   
  10°  0.750   
  20°  0.630   
  30°  0.520   
  40°  0.430   
  50°  0.380   
  60°  0.380   
  70°  0.430   
  80°  0.525   
  90°  0.640   
100°  0.760   
110°  0.870   
120°  0.940   
130°  0.985   
140°  1.000   
150°  0.980   
160°  0.940   
170°  0.880   
180°  0.830   
190°  0.795   
200°  0.785   
210°  0.810   
220°  0.840   
230°  0.860   
240°  0.860   
250°  0.830   
260°  0.800   
270°  0.775   
280°  0.780   
290°  0.810   
300°  0.860   
310°  0.920   
320°  0.950   
330°  0.970   
340°  0.960   
350°  0.925   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1032959   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for DDWYCC Correspondence for 0000036582
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

DDWYCC - CHICAGO, IL, US - License Cancelled
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 47   668 - 674 MHz Construction Permit (Expires 04/23/2018) 
File Number: 0000036582     Facility ID Number: 12279
Application ID Number: 25076f916097f7ff0160dc96e0013d15
CDBS Application ID: 2008759

Location: Willis Tower (IL)
41°52'44.1"N (41.878917)Latitude
87°38'10.2"W (-87.636167)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):300 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1525'465m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1525'465m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2120'646.4m

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 33534      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: AND      Antenna Model: ATW13H4-HSC1-47S      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.850   
  10°  0.750   
  20°  0.630   
  30°  0.520   
  40°  0.430   
  50°  0.380   
  60°  0.380   
  70°  0.430   
  80°  0.525   
  90°  0.640   
100°  0.760   
110°  0.870   
120°  0.940   
130°  0.985   
140°  1.000   
150°  0.980   
160°  0.940   
170°  0.880   
180°  0.830   
190°  0.795   
200°  0.785   
210°  0.810   
220°  0.840   
230°  0.860   
240°  0.860   
250°  0.830   
260°  0.800   
270°  0.775   
280°  0.780   
290°  0.810   
300°  0.860   
310°  0.920   
320°  0.950   
330°  0.970   
340°  0.960   
350°  0.925   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1032959   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  9,768,788
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for DDWYCC Correspondence for 0000036582
Area:  FCC Service Contour   
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

DDWYCC - CHICAGO, IL, US - License Cancelled
Service Designation: DTV Full Service Digital TV Station
Channel: 47   668 - 674 MHz Licensed 
File Number: 0000053671     Facility ID Number: 12279
Application ID Number: 25076ff362bbf2a10162f7ff26317178
CDBS Application ID: 2015709

Location: Willis Tower (IL)
41°52'44.1"N (41.878917)Latitude
87°38'10.2"W (-87.636167)Longitude (NAD83)        

Polarization: Horizontal (H) Horizontal   Vertical   
Effective Radiated Power (ERP):300 kW ERP
TV Zone: 1 Feet  Meters  
Antenna Height Above Average Terrain: 1525'465m
Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 1525'465m
Antenna Height Above Mean Sea Level: 2120'646.4m

17.99 kW TPO - 0.68 dB line loss + 12.9 dB antenna gain = 300 kW ERP
12.55 dBk TPO - 0.68 dB line loss + 12.9 dB antenna gain = 24.77 dBk ERP

DirectionalAntenna ID No.: 33534      Pattern Rotation: 0°
Elec. Beam Tilt: 1° 
Antenna Make: AND      Antenna Model: ATW13H4-HSC1-47S      
Relative Field values for directional antennaRelative Field polar plot
Relative field values do not include any pattern rotation that may be indicated above.
    0°  0.850   
  10°  0.750   
  20°  0.630   
  30°  0.520   
  40°  0.430   
  50°  0.380   
  60°  0.380   
  70°  0.430   
  80°  0.525   
  90°  0.640   
100°  0.760   
110°  0.870   
120°  0.940   
130°  0.985   
140°  1.000   
150°  0.980   
160°  0.940   
170°  0.880   
180°  0.830   
190°  0.795   
200°  0.785   
210°  0.810   
220°  0.840   
230°  0.860   
240°  0.860   
250°  0.830   
260°  0.800   
270°  0.775   
280°  0.780   
290°  0.810   
300°  0.860   
310°  0.920   
320°  0.950   
330°  0.970   
340°  0.960   
350°  0.925   
Directional Pattern

ASRN:  1032959   ULS Data   Other Stations on Tower 
Pop:  9,768,788
Query:  RECNetFCCInfoStation IndexFCC TV Query
LMS:  LMS QueryLMS Application
CDBS:  Station Info   Application Info   Mailing Address   Assignments and Transfers   
Application List   Call Sign Changes   Ownership InfoEEO Filings
Correspondence for DDWYCC Correspondence for 0000053671
Area:  FCC Service Contour   Longley-Rice Coverage Map
ULS:  Related facilities in ULS

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Proudly hosted by Silica Broadband.
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"If the future’s looking dark, we’re the ones who have to shine..." - Rush "Everyday Glory"