Show Hide | Longley-Rice - Colorful coverage map which accounts for terrain in a detailed way. |
Show Hide | Coverage Contours - F(50,90) bounding coverage contours, used by FCC for various reasons. |
Show Hide | Protected Contour - Contour map determining protection from FM translators. |
Show Hide | Interfering Contour - F(50,10) interference contour, used for international coordination. |
Show Hide | Population - This map shows the population contained in the FCC bounding contour. |
Include These Location IDs: Exclude These Location IDs: |
Show Hide | Zone I - Shows lines forming Zone I, not including state boundaries. |
Show Hide | National Radio Quiet Zone - Shows the NRQZ. |
Show Hide | Rural LPTV Exclusion Zone - Shows areas excluded during the 2009-2010 rural LPTV window. |
Show Hide | Header - Shows or hides the top menu for easier printing. |
| Extra Towers - Input additional ASRNs to have them included on the map with 30-mile circles.
Extra Applications - Input additional Application ID numbers to have them included on the map.
Draw circle of radius kilometers with center at .